Friday, October 26, 2012

The Grand Opening is almost here!

The Grand Opening of Art Kieres Furniture's new space is November 15th from 5-9pm. The new shop is located at 1120 Richards St, Salt Lake City, UT 84101. 

It's been a crazy couple months. We moved into a new space, had an employee develop a wood dust allergy and have to leave, I got a new apprentice, we got a bunch of new equipment and had to set everything up, we're working on a big order, the website is launching, and we're working on about 20 pieces for the grand opening. Gee, how boring, what a great time to start the blog... I predict I will regret this in hindsight.

One of the new pieces that we're working on for the grand opening is a Cocobolo and metal desk. The Cocobolo veneer for the top part of the desk showed up in the mail today. It's crazy expensive, but there are very few woods that I like as much.

I have a funny feeling this desk will turn out to be absolutely stunning. 

As always please let me know if you're interested in the desk as there is a pre-sale discount if you order before it's actually completed. More pictures will certainly follow in the coming days/weeks.